Exchange with @MGTOW Is For Losers

NOTE: It was originally on here, but I decided to move it to my site (and update it) so as to show my viewers specifically about this man.

February 1, 2021

by Acid Kritana

I decided to email MGTOW Is For Losers, so I shall post the whole situation below.

As we argue more, I will continue to update.

Summary: It started off nice, with me using the “frog boiling” technique. Basically, “You slowly turn up the heat, so slow that the frog doesn’t know he’s been boiled.” I started off nice, then slowly got to my point. From there, it went downhill. Here’s some of the ways it went wrong:

  • Jeff thinks that MGTOW is a cult, basically.
  • He thinks he knows about the Manosphere, but he clearly is confused on many things.
  • He thought that I was Eric.
  • He keeps on thinking that Eric and others like him are being (or were) brainwashed.
  • He continuously referred to Igor as “Slavic kid” and made fun of his accent.
  • He refers to anyone he doesn’t like as “mentally ill” or “mentally unsound.”
  • He claimed that I was grooming Eric and Igor. (When I literally met Eric January 12th, and I haven’t even talked with Igor yet.)
  • Jeff is kind of dumb, at least from my interaction. Maybe another narcissist? Not as bad as Lainy, but then again, that’s a very hard bar to reach.

In conclusion:

Jeff is a child.


Acid KritanaAK
MGTOW Is For LosersJeff

AK: Hello, Jeff. You are MGTOW Is For Losers, correct?

I would like to speak with you concerning one of my friends.

Jeff: Yes I am [name redacted], feel free to message me, I’ll respond when I have free time.


AK: Ah, good.

Is it ok if I can ask you a few questions?

Jeff: Sure, go ahead.

AK: So, Jeff, before I get into my questions, I was wondering if there was something specific you wanted me to call you. For as I question you, of course.

Jeff: I don’t mind, my name is Jeff, so call me that if you will.

AK: Alright, thank you!

Are you ready for the first question?

Jeff: Right, go ahead.

AK: So, I’ll start off with some thing simple, just to see your later points.

What is your definition of “MGTOW”?

Jeff: If you don’t mind ask more questions at one time, I’m playing a game and I get constant noisy notifications, it would be easier to reply to more questions in a single email.

MGTOW is an online cult that I’ve been researching for years, they’re the male version of extreme feminists, among them you’ll find all kinds of deviants, also clueless people with good intentions. Here’s a subreddit 

AK: Alright, I can ask multiple at a time. I know how annoying it is to get bothered while playing video games, so I’ll try to lessen the amount.

  1. So, you’re against extreme feminists?
  2. Please explain what you mean specifically by extreme feminists.
  3. Do you think MGTOW are all the same?
  4. What do you hate about MGTOW?

Some more questions after you answer these.

Jeff: 1. Right, I support good feminists who support fair causes.

2. Extreme feminists hate men for various reasons, they have a pathological hatred for all males, they overgeneralize and many times the members of such groups have one or many forms of mental illness.

3. I know some MGTOWs are simply fools with good intentions, in this sub-reddit you can see many of them talking about their experiences being braiwashed by MGTOW crazies:

4. Like I said, I’ve been reasearching them for a few years, they’ve bullied people like Brandy Vela and commited multiple crimes actually:

Not all of them are like that, I mentioned already many are just clueless people, others conmen who make people off of people’s ignorance… 

AK: Alright, good to know.

  1. What do you think about the manosphere?
  2. What do you think about Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs)?
  3. What do you think about Pick Up Artists (PUAs)?
  4. What do you think about incels?

More questions after this. (Don’t worry, we’ll be done soon.)

Jeff: 1. I’ve actually met some of them, they’re for the most part con-artists, manipulative people who make money off of people ignorance, of course not 100% of their content will be wrong all the time but they’re wrong most of the times.

2. It’s also another racket, although more complex, more legal, most men who’ve been treated unfaily by the legal system would be OK with a decent lawyer, however people see it’s a big opportunity to make money, cliques are involved… it’s not what it claims to be..

3. I hate them, they see women as objects, as commodities, they are disgusting psychopaths, I had an online feud with one of them a couple of years ago, an Iranian-American conman who’s pretending to be a Christian now…

4. They are misguided, real celibacy is a virtue, people have become brainwashed and psychotic… incels are also potential delinquents…

AK: Thank you! I have possibly 2 more rounds left, maybe if I don’t come up with any more, so thank you for answering all my questions so far.

  1. How do you feel about LGBT people in general?
  2. How do you feel about gay people?
  3. How do you feel about bi people?
  4. How do you feel about trans people?
  5. How do you feel about non-LGBT people in general?
  6. How do you feel about straight people?
  7. How do you feel about non-trans people?

Just another round or 2 of questioning, so thank you so far.

Jeff: I appreciate your concern [name redacted]. Now would you mind answering.

1. How old are you? You appear to be more mature than some silly kids who’ve been pestering me and trolling my channel lately. 

The answer to all those questions is the same, I don’t discriminate people on that basis. However psychologists and psychiatrists will tell you some of those people were just confused, for instance there’s transgender people who made the wrong choice and regretted it later in life:

So it’s a complex issue that depends on each case.

AK: Sure, I can answer the question real quick. If it’s alright, after you receive this email, if I can ask my last round of questions?

  1. I turned 17 years old yesterday.

I agree, it’s a complicated issue.

AK: Jeff, you alive?

Jeff: 17, yes definitely more mature. Unfortunately I get weird emails from little kids who’ve been brainwashed by MGTOW, the weirdest thing ever.

AK: Ah, I see.

Could you tell me more about that?

So I know exactly what you mean?

Jeff: The internet is full of deviants and kids are being brainwashed. So I get messages from weird people, sometimes I ignore, others I try to scare them off so they do something productive with their lives but it’s annoying…

EDIT> Hang on, I just received an invitation from this kid Eric and your name is there too [name redacted]. so I will just assume the obvious (that you’re Eric) trying to troll me…  oh God…

You need to grow up Eric, you have been brainwashed by a hate cult and you have no sense of humor…

AK: Actually, no I’m not Eric.

But my last line of questioning did concern him.

So I guess I’ll finally ask them, hm?

  1. Why did you call Eric’s mom a “MILF” mom?
  2. Why did you, while calling his mom a MILF mom, say that he would have to call you daddy?
  3. Why do care if someone is rich or poor?
  4. Why do you care is a 12 year old is MGTOW?

That’s all, currently.

AK: Also, Eric doesn’t listen to Slipknot, so I don’t know why you’re assuming that I’m Eric.

Jeff: 1. Eric has been trolling and mocking my girls, so fair play, he can’t take a joke all of a sudden? fI he wants to dish out mockery, he should be OK taking it.

2. Ever heard of something called a JOKE, I don’t know what is it with you kids, sucks you can’t buy a sense of humor at your local Walmart. 

3. I am calling out MGTOWs who claim they are millionaires while they mock and harass women who can’t support themselves, they’ve been mocking my girl friends in general and my girlfriend for not having a flat TV, calling her a ”broke ass Karen’,’ it’s the other way around, MGTOWs are the ones who hate and discriminate people on that basis.

4. Did I start this? No, he did, if he’s too young he should stay away from the internet and stick to watching the teletubbies, it’s not my fault there’s careless parents out there who allow their children to be online 24/7 only to be brainwashed by all sorts of people. I try to guide them, saying get a life, don’t be online so much…don’t be brainwashed by internet cults and so on…


  1. You still shouldn’t call his mom a “MILF mom.” If you do, make sure it’s clear that it’s a joke, or it won’t be taken as one.
  2. Saying that he would have to call you “daddy” sounds completely wrong.
  3. But when did JD say he was rich?
  4. He’s 12. Do you really think he should be watching “Teletubbies”? Seriously?

Jeff: 1. Explain to me what is so wrong about the MILF reference?

2. Humourless.

3.I was referencing MGTOWs in plural after referencing that delinquent, you obviously didn’t watch the video.

4. I have no idea what’s his age, that other Slavic kid Igor also lied about being older, if you are 17 as you claim to be, then why are you hanging out with these kids? At most you should mentor them, telling them not to be so dumb.


  1. MILF is a stupid song first off, and second off, his mother wouldn’t be so disrespectful as to do that. His mom is a much better person than a “MILF mom.” It’s a disrespectful, horrible thing to say about someone’s mother, especially when they aren’t that.
  2. He’s a 12 year old. If he was even 16 or 17, it would be better, but he’s not. It still wouldn’t be good. He’s also gay, so it seems more like you WANT him to. Perhaps you think it wouldn’t be against his will? I don’t know. Whatever, it’s not okay. That kind of “joke” gets you thrown in jail.
  3. But JD was the one I KNEW about. So there’s more you’re mocking for their wage?
  4. What age did IGOR (not “Slavic kid”) claim he was? And I only hang out with them, ON THE INTERNET, because I’m an MRA, and we agree on a lot of stuff. I hang out with adults too. It’s just because of the fact that I was getting assaulted on We Hunted the Mammoth that Eric came forward to help me. Otherwise, I generally wouldn’t hang out with him. I mean, c’mon, it’s not like I’m wanting them to call me “daddy.” And mentor them about what? That Men’s Rights Are Human Rights? Sorry, they already know about that. All I can give them is some facts, to help them with their cause. You know, not being forced into traditionalism.

Jeff: I do not approve of pedos at all, they’re disgusting and I’m hetero. You guys are apparently amateurs when it comes to ”the Internets” as George Bush calls it. Since you claim to be older, you should advise these youngsters to get therapy, cause apparently they’re very confused… and mentally unsound people shouldn’t be exposed to fringe sections of the internet such as all the MGTOW garbage… therapy can help them… I mean come on dude, you’re telling these kids about Men’s rights?

AK: Wow, calling them “mentally ill”? That’s actually kind of albiest, towards people who are ACTUALLY mentally ill. By just throwing that around, you’re hurting people.

And if you’re against pedos, why make that “joke”? Why not just make the MILF joke?

It doesn’t matter your sexuality, there are pedophiles who are straight (i.e. many church pastors, etc.), and yet the majority of their victims seem to be boys.

And yeah, while SOME MGTOW may be garbage, much of MGTOW is not. I may not be MGTOW (still deciding if I am or not), but I stand with the good ones.

Like I said, I don’t need to teach them Men’s Rights.

I can give them some facts, to help them, but they got there all on their own, like I did when I was an 8-year-old girl. I may be a 17-year-old boy now, but I started similar to them.

And you wanna know some areas where Men’s Rights needs to occur, so that equality can happen? Because I can give you a list.

Jeff: It appears I am right though, doesn’t it? If you notice they’re mentally unsound, don’t be an accomplice, you should be an adult not enabling fringe behavior. The joke you’re mentioning did not have a gay context at all, I’ve no idea what his orientation is and I’m not interested in that at all. Both he and the russian kid should get therapy, you should encourage that and tell them they’re not ready to interact with older youtube content creators, there’s age specifications on Youtube for a reason, tell them to stop pestering me and do something productive with their lives. They are lying on YouTube about their ages. At first I thought they were on the 15-16 age range, smarter and I even offer people to collab, but whole situation is weird. Be smart Drew and help them. 


  1. They’re not “mentally unsound.” Stop being so goddamn albiest and claiming everyone that disagrees with you is “mentally ill” or “mentally unsound.”
  2. Wow, you’re the first person who has actually said that I should be an “adult,” instead of referring to be as “child,” “little boy,” “baby,” etc. by those I disagree with!
  3. Jeff, actions have consequences. It’s ok to make a joke, but it can’t be a pedophilic joke.
  4. Who cares where Igor is FROM!
  5. Looking back on 4, why you obsessed with where Igor is from? Also, why do you care?
  6. Doesn’t every kid lie about their age on YouTube? I know that I have. Mainly on my previous accounts.
  7. They ARE doing something productive. Roasting you.
  8. I don’t know how old Igor is, but I know that Eric might already be 13.
  9. They are smart. They’re kids/tweens, so they still have some time to gather more information, but they are smart for their age.
  10. Yeah, I’ll help them with getting more facts. So that they can roast people like you more.

In fact, here’s a list of Men’s Rights issues just to start off with what needs to be made more equal for men:

  1. 3/4 or 75% of Worldwide suicides are male. 3/4 or 76% of UK suicides are male. 4/5 or 79% of American suicides are male. In some countries, men commit suicide up to over 7 times that of women.
  2. Men make more Serious Suicide Attempts than women.
  3. Men pay 60% MORE taxes than women do.
  4. Boys are 9 times LESS likely to be adopted.
  5. Men get 63% longer prison sentences, are about twice as likely to be incarcerated, more likely to be arrested, etc. for the same crime and background as a woman.
  6. 1 out of 50, or 2%, of the American male population is behind bars.
  7. 1 out of 3, or about 33%, of the American black male population is behind bars.
  8. The vast majority of suicides are committed by middle-aged, white men.
  9. Perpetrators with male victims get much less sentences, are less likely to be incarcerated or arrested, etc. than perpetrators with female victims.
  10. Gay men are 5 times more likely to become a victim of a hate crime than lesbians are, and some years it’s 6 times.
  11. The vast majority victims of nearly every crime are male.
  12. 78%, or about 4 out of 5, murder victims worldwide, are male.
  13. Men actually get raped more.
  14. Etc.

Jeff: Nobody is roasting me, actually I get more fan mail than stupid mail and I’m respected on reddit for helping confused men who were brainwashed by MGTOW. Are you trying to help these kids or are you grooming them? I don’t care where the slavic kid is from, he made a video attacking my channel, he replied on my video and I find  his goofy voice to be funny but I have nothing to do with him.  You are enabling these confused young ones and you should be ashamed. I told you, if you’re smart, tell them to completely ignore my content and not to react to it any longer, ask them to seek therapy, my channel is meant for intelligent people. I’ve had many channels where I succesfully dismantled neo-nazis and others, now it’s the turn of MGTOW. You are playing the victim with all that info. Grow up!

Be smart and leave me alone if you guys can’t handle my content, please ignore me. Once again my channel is meant for intelligent people… I am helping the little guy, the underdog, in this case women.

 Au revoir!



  1. It doesn’t matter how much fan mail you get, if you get roasted by people, you get roasted.
  2. “Helping”? I wouldn’t ask you for help if I was about to be raped, murdered, then buried in the core of the earth.
  3. “Grooming” them? Pft. Like I said, they came to this themselves.
  4. You can stop calling Igor “Slavic kid.” He has a name.
  5. Yeah? He made a video attacking your channel? Boo-hoo. I’ll be making one soon enough. Obviously, once I start making videos. Which will be soon.
  6. Mocking his accent? That’s just a douche-bag move. Get a life.
  7. “Enabling.” I’m “enabling” “confused young ones.” LOL. Bruh, I’m gonna die from how much you’re making me laugh. I need a moment to calm down for the next one. God, you’re almost as bad as Lainy the Narcissist. But she isn’t nearly as funny as you. She’s just a narcissist.
  8. You wanna know if I’m smart or not? I don’t know, but I’ve been told I am by multiple people. However, when I took a couple IQ tests, all I found out was that I am above 125 IQ. Need some IQ tests. However, IQ tests do not determine the intelligence of someone, just how easily they learn.
  9. “My channel is meant for smart people.” Literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Also, sorry, then all of your viewers that are dumb enough to agree with you should probably not be on there, because anyone who thinks like you certainly is missing something up there.
  10. I’m sorry, but MGTOW aren’t “neo-nazis.”
  11. How am I playing the victim? Every time someone claims that, I ask how I am, and they never provide evidence. They just ignore my question lol
  12. Your “content” is a joke.
  13. The “underdog” is “women.” How are they the underdog? Please provide evidence. I provide evidence that men are the “underdog” any time it’s called for or I get into an argument, so why can’t people ever provide real evidence for misogyny or even “female oppression”?
  14. You’re a joke. Please get a life.
  15. Are you done, now? Or do you wanna go for another round?

AK: Hey, Jeff, if you feel like you’re done arguing with me, feel free to let me know. I’ll stop arguing with you. At least, until you do something even more dumb.

AK: I suppose you’re done, then?

*NOTE: He responded back! But it just gets funnier.

Jeff: It looks as though you are mentally unsound too [name redacted]. How childish of you to post a private conversation on that stupid page. I’ll say this again, stop messaging me and ignore my content, I am not interesting in talking with you bigots anymore, you don’t even grasp the meaning of private conversations but I don’t care, I didn’t say anything I’m ashamed of. I will continue being a relentless social justice warrior fighting for the underdog, yes women are the real underdog, the slave of slaves, your hatred has blinded you [name redacted]. I fight for all the victims of social justice but women especially. I hope you feel very proud of yourself for encouraging fringe behavior online.So there you go, it turns out you are another MGTOW lunatic who has a deep seated hatred for the beautiful creatures known as women. How sad! Please get help and don’t allow hatred to rule your life.



AK: When I read this, I literally couldn’t stop laughing. It was like I was having an asthma attack.

  1. I was right, you call everyone you disagree with “mentally unsound.”
  2. If it was private, then you really should have thought about that before literally mocking Igor for his accent and for making a pedophilic joke.
  3. If you don’t like me messaging you, then stop replying lol
  4. You said plenty of things to be ashamed of.
  5. Did you really just call yourself a “relentless social justice warrior”? Ohmygod, I can’t breath.
  6. “the slave of slaves.” I want to be able to breath!
  7. So, you really think that women are slaves?
  8. I like how you provided no proof for your “women as underdogs” argument.
  9. When have I ever encouraged fringe behavior online?
  10. I’m not MGTOW, or a lunatic, but I am MRA. I am just pro-MGTOW.
  11. “the beautiful creatures known as women.” I feel bad for you
  12. Get some help Jeff
  13. Simp.

*NOTE: He responded again!

Jeff: I NEVER made a pedophilic joke, you keep repeating that as if constant repetition would somehow make it true, I didn’t mock his accent as an act of discrimination… the word goofy offends you now? How sensitive for a lunatic who hates women so much. 

You must understand your behavior affects those little juvenile delinquents. Do you want to end up like your ring leader Roy Den Hollander? 

You need to repent, seek therapy, turn yourself in for your crimes and do the time, or else you will end up like Roy Den Hollander.





  1. Yes, you did. You literally said, that Eric would “have to call me daddy.”
  2. You did indeed mock Igor’s accent. I don’t go around calling southern accents “goofy,” or Chinese accents “goofy,” or anyone else’s accent “goofy.” You literally said that you found it funny. I didn’t go and make fun of your voice, though people know I could have.
  3. I “hate” women? I’m sorry, but last time I checked, y’all are for single motherhood. And guess what? Girls raised without their biological fathers reach puberty earlier, mainly due to other male’s pheromones being detected, which causes a host of problems, including earlier death. I’m sorry, but I’m not the one literally killing women and girls.
  4. Ok, now you’re becoming condescending. “Little juvenile delinquents.”
  5. Ok, first off, Roy Den Hollander was an ex-MRA who was kicked out of the Men’s Rights Movement. Second off, I would rather choke on you than follow him, and that’s really saying something. And third off, he killed himself after brutally murdering Marc Angelucci, the person who is my hero, so no, I don’t think I’m going to turn into a murder-suicide, ey?
  6. “Repent”? I’m a mother-f*cking atheist.
  7. I already tried to get therapy, for my depression.
  8. What crimes?
  9. I’m not going to end up like Hollander! He didn’t even like MRAs in the end.
  10. I’m the “psycho”? At least I’m not mocking someone’s accent, making up sh*t about crimes, saying pedophilic jokes are okay, attacking people for their wage, and more!

*NOTE: Another reply!

Jeff: Choking? Seriously? See, there’s your psychopathic criminal mindset and threats towards me. How sad, if one therapist failed that doesn’t mean all failed, you need some serious help son.

AK: I said choking ON, not just choking. Learn to read.

*NOTE: This might have been marked spam, I can’t remember, so this was noticed later.

Jeff: Stop leading these youngsters the wrong way, be an adult for fuck’s sake, you only seem to care about yourself. They’re too young and clueless to know anything really, so tell them to forget about it and become better persons. Stop being so childish.

*NOTE: This is me checking his pulse.

AK: Jeff, you alive?

AK: So, you’re done?

*NOTE: This one was a bit late, as it was marked spam, but the context still confuses me.

Jeff: I think you’ve calmed down finally. Sorry for misreading your other email, I usually get a few notifications a day and can’t read everything with detail but it looks like there was a misunderstading. I think finally you’ve made those kids realize that my content is not meant for kids, only smart adults who don’t like MGTOW and similar cults. Thanks!


*NOTE: I responded back, confused.

AK: Uh

*NOTE: He responded in another chat, so here it is below.

Jeff: Just saw that dehumanizing comment you wrote about me, calling me an insect. How dare you???

Same technique used by the Nazis to dehumanize the Jews, good to know I am dealing with a Neo-nazi, btw I don’t expect you to respond, you like to throw rocks and then hide your hand…

AK: I didn’t call you an insect

Jeff: You’re a mystery [name redacted], I show my face on my channel, I would like to get to know you better, you seem an interesting person, only misguided, sorry for any inconveniences. Have a good day.

AK: Um…thanks? No thanks? I don’t know.


I’m a mystery apparently lol

January 11, 2021

So, apparently Jeff is still responding back and forth with me in emails, so I should probably react to him now.

AK: Uh

Jeff: You are replying to an old message, I think we settled things already. Have a good day sweetheart. 

Your friend


AK: Ok, bye, but please don’t call me “sweetheart.”

But, don’t worry, he responded to me still. Literally in the same day he essentially told me bye.

Jeff: Since you were replying to old e-mails, I decided it would be better to write a new one, here’s proof of the incident I talked about>

AK: Ok, but it didn’t give proof that MRAs or MGTOWs or whatever did what you claimed.

Jeff: It was all over the internet, it was MGTOWs, one of their ”trolling campaigns”, it was in the forum of Ragnar and Solaris (it’s been down for a few years due to its promotion of neo-nazism and MGTOW crimes). You shouldn’t encourage youngsters lying about their age to make content hating on all women. 

AK: Links? Even to articles?

And what content have they made that hates women?

And, yes, he just ignored the question and didn’t answer it.

Note: This was 8 to 10 months later, and it appears he forgot about me lol.

AK: I have some questions for you

Jeff: And who are you?

AK: Eric’s friend. I heard that you were bullying him. What have you been doing to him and his friends? I want to hear your side of the story. But please be honest.

Jeff: He tormented my girlfriends, to the point one almost committed suicide. He then went and made videos mocking and laughing at the pain and bullying he instilled upon them. He has no shame or morality. If I were you, I would call him out on his crimes against women, not use yourself as a shield for his little criminal acts.

AK: a) Since I’m a big fan of proof, please provide some evidence. Not being against you, just want some proof! b) Please never say “crimes against women” ever again. It should be about justice, not Social Justice Warrior bullshit. If you want me on your side at all, I’d suggest you cut the feminist crap.

Jeff: He knows what he did, and you would still defend him no matter what. Just for that, you’re also going to prison, Acid Kritana.

Finally! And guess what, a couple months later after this email, I’m still NOT in jail. Nor have I been tried and/or convicted to go to a jail or prison.


Jeff: Just because you’ve become a man (which I strongly approve) I cannot approve of you harboring a criminal in Eric. You both think because you’re guys that you can pick on girls with impunity. You can’t, you will be punished by the full extent of the law for your hate crimes.

Oh, thank GOD he’s not a TERF. They make my brain hurt (just like all the other crazy feminists out there that all make me wanna bash my head into a wall until I can’t do anything anymore, include think). But anyone else remember when he acted creepy towards me for a little bit?

But since he had been attacking me beforehand, it appears that when he found out that I was biologically female and used to be a girl, he started being nice to me (misandry, anyone?), and so I find it a bit creepy, also considering his past comments…

But, hey, at least he’s back to attacking me! That’s much better. /s (I would prefer neither, but as long as he doesn’t attack Eric and his attention is focused on me, I’ll do it.)

AK: “Just because you’ve become a man (which I strongly approve)”

Good to know.

“Just because you’ve become a man … I cannot approve of you harboring a criminal in Eric.”

Wait, how am I “harboring a criminal in Eric”? I would like to know this.

“You both think because you’re guys that you can pick on girls with impunity.”

impunity: “exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.”

First off, I don’t even know your girlfriends, and second off, you have yet to prove that Eric even did anything to them. Instead of just assuming I wouldn’t believe you, how about you provide the proof and let my character shine through? I am an MRA, afterall. I hate false accusations. If there’s proof, and it’s strong and sound, I support the accuser. However, if you can’t provide any, it means you don’t have any. Also, stop going after 12 year olds. If you want someone to attack, choose someone closer to your age. Like me. Unless your mental age is closer to his age?

Jeff: You can’t hide behind his juvenile age, when he committed massive crimes. You know teenagers do in fact have to face the consequences of their actions, right? There is no special immunity. In fact, some teens get tried as adults. You better thank your lucky stars Eric didn’t cause my girlfriend to go through with her suicide attempt. He definitely then would be tried as an adult, and face life in a maximum security prison. But he still has to pay. I want him sent to juvie until he’s of legal adult, he’s that much of a vicious and inhuman monster. He needs to learn from his crimes.

AK: Please type something that an adult would say, rather than an angry child.

Jeff: Fuck you, okay. My girlfriend tried to kill herself because that piece of shit punk who is just using you as a shield. Goddamn it you and your bastard pal’s lack of ethics and empathy makes me sick. Having you two locked up for your crimes is going to be worth the pain I am going through, right now.

AK: Wow, you finally sound like an angry adult instead! If you’re not going to provide me proof, by the way, then I’m just going to assume that you have none. Trust me, I’ll believe you if you have solid proof.

Jeff: You can check out Eric’s MGTOW channel, he’s on there laughing at the pain he caused my girlfriend who had a panic attack and try to commit suicide. You both will be facing the consequences.

AK: Link

Of course, he never provided one. Asking him to provide even just one is just too much for him, isn’t it?

This one happened much more recently. The only reason I’m blocking out last names, the names of my teachers, the name of my school, and my city is to keep those things private. The only reason I told him about those is to challenge him, and guess what, he still hasn’t done anything to me yet, as evidence of me typing this up. I’ll also block anything private of his.

AK: Also I don’t care about your bullshit. Don’t attack my friend and his friends, I’m already dealing with enough. My dad had a fucking stroke recently, though gladly he’s still alive. But still, act like an adult and handle it like an adult for once. Or I’m going to have to take some action. That you’re not gonna like.

Jeff: How dare you. So with your love going through pain you expect everyone to care, but you couldn’t show any remorse for what “your friend” did to my girlfriend? What hypocrisy and narcissism, a true reflection of your psychopathic tendencies. I’m already working with The ADL and SPLC to have you and that juvie psychotic terrorist Eric locked away for a long time.

Jeff: You can’t forever with that juvie punk, you’re going to court very soon.

Still waiting.

AK: Then see you in court bitch, I got some evidence that may send you to jail. Actually carry out your word. I’m waiting.

Jeff: Oh, whatever, you bastard. You are hurting the LGBT movement with your hate. You should learn to love and stand up for the rights of women, non-binaries and minorities. Otherwise, you will get life in prison for your bigotry.

You can’t go to jail just for focusing on Men’s Rights. Sorry to break it to you, Chief.

AK: I’M the bastard? Says the one bullying children. And I’m not fucking hating women, or anyone. Some of my closest friends are female. Sorry I’m not a goddamn simp. I go to school at [school name redacted], send me a letter if you want to go to fucking court. My name is Drew [last name redacted]. So if you want to go to court, take me there, bitch. I’m waiting.

Jeff: No, don’t twist it. Eric is not immune from the law, he is a juvenile delinquent and he was Hell bent on getting my girlfriend to kill herself. That is wrong, and I do not approve. I am working with The ADL to have you both arrested and prosecuted.

Can the ADL even arrest you? Or am I reading this last part wrong?

AK: Take me to court. I’ve done nothing wrong. And I can prove you done some wrong stuff in court. Come on, I told you my school, in [city name redacted], and me name. Come and get me. Glad you’re finally targetting someone closer to your age for once instead of children. And he actualy earned my trust. At first he didn’t, but then he did. What have you done? Annoyed me and crossed several lines. So come and get me. I’m waiting.

Jeff: You’re not Drew [last name redacted], you phony. Drew [last name redacted] is a hero who took down the transphobic establishment. You’re now going to be charged for impersonation, too.

I did? This is news to me.

AK: Huh? When did I do that? Actually, I used to be right wing, and I’m still getting out of that. I never did anything of that sort. And if I’m not Drew, then you’re not Jeff the child bullyer.

Jeff: Quit bullshitting, we know you’re from The UK. The ADL are already onto you and will have you picked up by Interpol for your crimes.

Actually, I’m not, but ok.

AK: Yeah, I’m totally in the UK. Washington is now a part of Europe.

Jeff: You will be picked up by the British police for your crimes. Tell Eric The ADL are going to have him prosecuted, he can’t hide. We know what he’s done to girls, with your terrorist cult.

AK: Well, they’ll have a long time looking, considering that I live in the US, and so does the ADL.

Jeff: Look up Interpol. Also, your email is connected to your Acid account, dumb shit. You don’t sound anything like Drew [last name redacted] with your British accent, phony.

AK: Ah, yes. “Would you like a crumpet with that?” Do you honestly have nothing better to do?

I apologize to anyone who is British or lives in the UK.

Also, I can have multiple emails. How else would I be posting this?

Jeff: Yeah, that’s what I thought, phony. I know who are, your days numbered, you liar. And tell Eric he’s going to juvie and then prison when he turns 18.

“…your days are numbered…” Very suspicious, but do continue.

AK: Come to my school and fight me asshole. If you even go NEAR Eric, I will make you regret it. Leave him alone, and leave his friends alone too. I’m tired of it. You fucking face someone closer to your age or I will report you to the police you asshole. I have proof that you need to go to jail.

Jeff: He bullies girls in real life and to my girlfriends over the internet, Acid. He’s going to juvie.

AK: Send me proof of this and I’ll believe you. Until then, you’re literally lying. Now, excuse me, I have to do research for men’s rights issues, so if you want to keep bullying him, I will end up having to report you to the police.

Jeff: You can’t do shit, my parents work for The ADL. You’re both going to be sent away for a long time.

AK: The ADL can’t do shit. Just try me. I’m a Men’s Rights Activist. If they send me away, it should have already been done. But here’s the thing. Men’s Rights Activists are not inherently bad people. And neither is Eric. You’re just full of shit.

AK: You. I don’t like you, but please read this article. I wrote it. Perhaps it may help you understand me a bit more.

AK: Men Have It Better? A Trans MRA Weighs In – Men Are Human

Jeff: I’m not reading any of that far-right wing propaganda. Acid, you’re getting put away with Eric the womyn hating terrorist.

Oh, GOD. He’s turned to TERF language. I think his true personality is coming through.

AK: Uh, it’s more on the left, but ok

Jeff: Tell Eric to stop being a coward and email me back. My girlfriends have a bone to pick with him. He caused one of them to cut themselves!

AK: Nah. You fucking face off with me. And I’m about to bring my friend from the UK into this. Now, will you chillax? I’m trying to do certain naughty things with my boyfriend lol

I am SO sorry for that last sentence.

Jeff: Stop sperging and tell Eric I know what he’s up to, I know he harasses girls irl, and what he did to my girlfriends.

AK: Nah. I’m going to tell hi to ignore you. You coward, leave him alone.

Jeff: He’s a little punk, he’s going to juvie. The case is going on, right now. The harm he did was too much.

AK: I’ll be a witness on testimony and show how YOU’RE the one who’s been doing stuff.

Jeff: No, you won’t. You’ll be locked up for life for your crimes.

AK: What crimes?

Jeff: Accessory to attempted murder, terrorism, hate crimes against wimmin. You’re fucked. 

Can someone let me know when I did this? I’m really curious to that.

AK: Attempted murder? Since when? Terrorism? What the hell? Where’d you get that one from? Hate crimes against “wimmin”? First off, learn how to spell. Second off, when? When? Where? What? How? Why? Huh? Now leave me alone. I’m trying to have fun with my boyfriend.

Again, sorry for the last sentence. This happened during the time of a specific boyfriend.

Jeff: It’s “wimmin”, now. hypocrite. You’d think you’d be respectful of one’s identity, since you are transgendered. And yes, Eric and you conspired to get my girlfriends to kill themselves. You’re going to prison, and he’s going to juvie.

AK: Are you a “wimmin”? Can you even English? Is it wo-mine now too? Ok carrot. I’d like to see you try to take me to prison, seeing as I have evidence that may send you there instead. You have no evidence of me OR Eric trying to drive anyone to suicide, by the way, because it DIDN’T HAPPEN. I’d like to see your “evidence.”

And it turns out, as Eric emailed me, that Jeff has actually been doing mental harm to Eric and his friends.

Jeff: You need to stop defending that juvie, or else you may get life in prison for terrorism against wimmin.

AK: You do realize that I have better things to do, right? Like hang out with my boyfriend or (jokingly) cancel my teacher. Or talk to my friend in the UK. You know, normal things. Instead, I’m getting emailed by a bozo who is bullying a 12/13 year old in New York and his friends. Please quit. Do you have nothing better to do?

Jeff: I’m getting Interpol involved onto you, Acid. You’re complicit in hate crimes against wimmin, same with Eric who will be going to juvie.

AK: You won’t need Interpol. If you live in the US, then I’m national. I didn’t eeven know who Interpol was until you said that. What crimes have I committed? Said a fact too many that you think will hurt women of your ilk’s feelings? Boo hoo. Sorry, but women are tougher than that. Also, if you keep attacking my friend, I’m going to have to ask you to back off. Leave him along already.

Jeff: I know, since you’re A MAN you feel you have all the power and rights to terrorize innocent wimmin. We’re onto you, buster. I got The ADL and SPLC at my disposal, and Interpol will be coming to lock you up.

Please, kill me now. Whatever god is out there: strike me dead here. Spare me from this man. Mercy. Please. I beg of you. Spare me.

AK: Come get me, bitch. I go to [school name redacted] in [city name redacted], Washington. Just ask for Drew [last name redacted].

Jeff: That’s not you, liar. Also, one of my sexy girlfriends Daisy says she wants to debate Eric. So tell him to stop hiding, because this would be a life changing thing for him and a chance for him to turn over a new leaf.

Yup! You figured me out. I’m a leaf-alien from outer-space who lives in the UK. Oh no, whatever shall I do?


AK: “one of my sexy girlfriends”

Please, never say that again. Please. For both our sanities.

Also, no, leave him alone. If she wants someone to debate, debate ME. If I end up getting “changed” or some shit, then I’ll change Eric. But until then, he’s under my protection, so if you want to get to him, you have to get through me first. Good luck.

Jeff: Tell that coward Eric, he’s going to be exposed in my upcoming documentary. His crimes against wimmin and my sexy girlfriends will never be forgotten.

AK: My name is Drew [last name redacted]. My teachers are [name redacted] and [name redacted]. I go to [school name redacted]. Either take me to jail for my imaginary “crimes against wimmin,” or fucking back off. I’m the only one you can attack here. I’m not going to let you hurt him again, or his friends. Either fucking face me or back off. To get to him, you have to get to me first, and you’d have to break me so imaginably hard to do that, and despite your bullying self, I don’t think you’ll be able to reach there. So good luck.

Yup, he still hasn’t responded back yet.

Once I get another response, Ill update you.

Published by Acid Kritana

Men's Rights Activist (MRA).

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